Sunday, June 24, 2007

Virtual Birthday Party

Yesterday we had a birthday party for my mom. We had cake and tea and sang "Happy Birthday, dear Nana". We took pictures and e-mailed them to her on the other side of the world. The kids loved it, and so did she. Happy Birthday, Mom!


Michelle W. said...

What an awesome idea!
I'll bet your mom was thrilled, (...and heartbroken at the same time!) That cake is SO beautiful!

Man, I could go for a big piece of cake right now! (I haven't been able to eat much after my surgery this week, and that looks SO good!) Have an extra slice for me! ;o)

..and Happy Birthday to Nana!
Michelle W.

Beth said...

Hi Michelle, I've tagged you for an 8 things about me post! Come visit my blog for the "rules" :)
