Sadly, I looked in my pantry this morning to start my cake baking and decorating and found it to be lacking severely in icing ingredients (that's "FROSTING" for you yankees). And the import stores have been out of the icing sugar for a few weeks now. My supply was used up with the cupcakes and the first cake.
So, I had to call this woman and tell her - AGAIN - that I couldn't get her cake done. I'm thinking I'm not supposed to make a cake for her. I'm also thinking I need to learn how to say NO because I didn't really want to do these cakes in the first place!
The cupcakes are completed and delivered and have been devoured by 4-year-olds. The other cake is done but I'm really not happy with how it looks. At all. I had no ambition or creative juices this week - they were all sucked up by other stuff. I think it turned out waaaaaay too girlie for Todd...what do you think??

I'm sure Todd loved his flowers and loved eating the cake and flowers even more! It looks beautiful to me!
Sounds like you really have a great business going, but if you don't want to or know that you don't have the time...say NO! Yes that is such a small word, but one so difficult to say!
Hope you are all healthy and happy!
That's a lovely cake! Todd should count his lucky stars!!
yes, saying no is soooo hard. I need to work at that myself. My head says it all the time, but it doesn't seem to make it to my lips!!
Hope Andrew is ok!!
You did use looks great!
Boy are we getting some snow this weekend...WOW...Ohioans are telling us that winter usually isn't this bad. Guess we just got lucky with our first winter back in the north. It's actually beautiful. I feel as if I've stepped through a wardrobe into Narnia.
Hope Andrew is feeling better!
Hey, by the way can you make me a cake...tee's okay to say "NO"...just thought you could use the practice. Not being able to say no is a good tells me you are a giving person, which you are by the way. One of the many things I love about you (o:
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