Tonight was our kids' school's production of Rapunzel. They used a very funny script and the kids did an amazing job. Alex was the warthog, the caterpillar puppeteer, and the baby Rapunzel. He did great and he also has developed a severe case of the acting bug.
We went to the new IKEA store today (LOVE IT) but I only had to buy a couple of small pitchers. You can't buy gallon jugs of milk here - in fact, there is only one type of refrigerated milk that comes in one-liter sizes. Can you imagine how many of those we go through with three kids and a latte-lovin' mama? We buy the liter-size aseptic-container boxes of milk (like a large juice box) because they're easier to store (in the pantry). They are tough to pour out of though, with that hole on top of the box. So I bought a few pitchers to pour the box into. That way the kids can pour their own without spilling all around the cup. Dairy products in general are not especially popular in China. Cheeses are imported and expensive, as is most milk. Ice cream, too. The Chinese do like yogurt but it's more of a drinkable kind. There isn't as much spoon-type yogurt, and absolutely no thick and creamy spoon-type yogurt. All that is imported, and sometimes but not always, can be found at the import store.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I would like to take a bit of time to thank my mommy for being who she is and for making me who I am. You rock, Mom. And, to the other moms in my life who have had an influence on me, whether you realized it or not, thank you, too. And to my friends, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you...aren't we a blessed lot? We have the best job in the world, and more love than our kids will ever realize until they have their own kids.
1 comment:
We love IKEA!
Go Alex! thats great and I'm so glad he's loving it! Alexa is the thespian in our family....her drama club is performing starting this Friday (2 gangs dueling with Edgar Allen Poe's words!)
It has helped her in many aspects of her life, her public speaking skills have improved in leaps and bounds! and she is much more comfortable with people in general!
maybe they'll perform together one day!
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