Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I had my last tae kwon do class today; it was pretty sad but I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be. I just decided to try my very hardest during class and get the most out of it. It was fun, but I still am really bad at sparring. At least this time I didn't get kicked in the butt (literally) like last time. That was actually pretty funny but I have a big bruise on my tookus now. Anywho, I do think I'm more ready to leave than I thought. I was okay with tonight being my last night. Ask me again next Monday evening and I might be a little sad, but for now it's okay. I hope I can find an English-speaking class nearby in our new house.

Today was Tim's last day at work, too. It was pretty sad for him to leave tonight, and I think we're both freaking out a little more now that we're leaving Saturday.

Everything familiar to all of us will be beyond our reach for a while - except, of course, for each other. Feel free to keep us in your prayers!

Tomorrow is the kids' last day of school - preschool for the little ones. That's going to be very sad for all of them, and for most of their teachers. We've been blessed with our preschool teachers and director the past few years. I am so very much going to miss that place. I am not, however, going to miss the Alex's teacher. I think if we weren't moving I'd be trying to get him out of that hostile environment he's currently in. I never though a primary school teacher would be so icky.

It's been cold here today - I am definitely looking forward to tropical southern China. I'm not sure how to spell "zai jian" but it means "goodbye" in mandarin.

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